Together in 2022.
Let’s not be inundated by trend, rather, we shall focus on the classic.
A successful business chases both profitability and social responsibility.
Even with strong tail wind, we believe:
Our strong focus on research, product design, market strategy has proved to be visionary and correct.
Since the beginning, we have been focusing on:
High performance anti-corrosion and functional pigments
High performance anti-static pigments.
Our goal for 2022, and the future, is to advance in the competition.
In the field of special anti-corrosion and functional pigments
Industry and cosmetic grade glass flake
Anti-corrosion and abrasion resistant glass microsphere
Superfine ferro-phosphorus powder
Best quality MIO with excellent Lamellar structure, high concentration Fe2O3
Micro-silica pigment
Best quality and customer service
In the field of phosphate, orthophosphate and polyphosphate:
Zinc phosphate, zinc aluminum phosphate, zinc molybdenum phosphate, and silicon, sodium, and calcium based phosphate anti-corrosion pigments
Aluminum tripolyphosphate, and its derivatives designed for ceramic and other industries
In the field of conductive and anti-static pigments:
Break-through in conductive titanium dioxide
More affordable conductive MIO, and low oil absorption derivatives
The development of ultra conductive carbon black, which meets the need of higher purity, conductivity, BET surface area and lower ash content and heavy metals
Microcrystalline graphite with superb conductivity and anti-corrision performance
The continued advances in graphene
